Faith Based Senior Care Facility Development Advisory Services

Phone: 614-531-9285



The ultimate result of what actually materializes is entirely contingent on the “planning”. That’s why Antioch invests tremendous energy and taps extensive industry resources early in the process. We want to determine, entirely independent of the church’s participation, whether a senior housing facility is congruent with the demographics, need and demand of the local market.

Industry advisory firms charge as much as $150,000 for a feasibility study complete with suggested unit mix, site plan and financials associated with a proposed facility. Antioch, in partnership with its industry heavy weights in the areas of architecture, operations, construction and financing, is able to reduce that cost exposure to a fraction of the market price.

In the end, the church is presented with a development plan that consists of:

  • Economic viability even without obligating the church in any way
  • An industry standard format for development and operation
  • An incredible opportunity for the church to be particularly relevant to its community while also simultaneously gaining an alternative revenue stream
