Faith Based Senior Care Facility Development Advisory Services

Phone: 614-531-9285



The absolute heart of the Antioch initiative is ministry. Without that effective, differential component, our senior housing facilities, as wonderful as they may otherwise be, would be nothing more than just another place for an aging parent to reside in their final years.

To the extreme contrary! We actually expect that our residents will experience some of the most productive years of their lives while at our facilities! Yes, we realize that statement is a contradiction of the industry and cultural norm in the US today which simply places an aging parent in a safe environment to live out their remaining years. Of course our facilities, with the exceptional architecture and management, offer the very best that the industry has evolved to, as well.  But unlike other senior housing providers, that norm is not our “end game”, but rather our “starting point”. From there we offer an exciting potpourri of dynamic and engaging programs designed to:

  • Value the resident
  • Honor their life story
  • Help in healing intra-family issues

Give substance and meaning to the remaining months and years of a resident’s life The process itself is invigorating for the resident, as well as their family and church, and as a byproduct – creating intergenerational opportunities for community interaction, and ultimately enlightening for all involved.

